The Rav

Rav Menachem Copperman was born in Dublin, Ireland and, at the age of 3, made aliya with his family and grew up in Petach Tikva.
After finishing high school in Shaalvim in 1993, Rav Menachem moved to Yeshivat Beit El, where he learnt for six years and fulfilled his IDF army service requirements in the artillery unit.
In 1999, he then moved to "Eretz Chemda" Kollel for Dayanim, where he studied for 8 years and completed his Smicha certification as Rabbi ("Yoreh Yoreh") and Dayan ("Yadin Yadin") from the Israeli Chief Rabbinate. Rav Copperman also has a BA degree in Jewish History and is a certified mediator.
During his years of study, he pursued his passion for teaching by giving a weekly halacha shiur for women in Katamon for seven years and many shiurim in Bet El and Ramat Bet Shemesh.
Rav Copperman is married to native Israeli Michal, has six children and one new grandchild.
In 2001, the Copperman family moved from Bet El to Ramat Bet Shemesh and, in 2006, Rav Copperman started serving as the Rav of Kehillat Ahavat Tzion, a Dati-Leumi, young and thriving kehilla. As of today – 2019- the community has 100 families and, on Rosh Hashana, the shul was packed with no less than 450 men, women and youth.
The Irish connection materialized when, in 2008, the beautiful antique Aron Kodesh from the Adelaide Road shul in Dublin – which had closed down in 1999 – was shipped to Israel and reinstalled in Ahavat Tzion shul.
Aside from serving as Rav of the community, Rav Copperman has served since 2008 as head of Semicha program and Ra"m in Yeshivat Lev HaTorah, Ramat Bet Shemesh - a yeshiva for post high school American boys.
Rav Copperman has also been teaching a special business ethics course in Shaa'rei Mishpat law school in Hod Hasharon since 2008, and has served as a Dayan on monetary cases in a local Bet Din during the years 2008-2014.
In 2015, Rav Copperman decided to follow his passion and dream, and put his expertise as Dayan in Jewish monetary law to practice by founding Kadat V'Kadin – a Halachic-Legal practice, in which he litigates monetary disputes in Din Tora, consults private people and businesses in the areas of Jewish Monetary Law, and is involved in Halachic Estate Planning in cooperation with some of the leading law firms in Israel and the US.